Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Doherty
Welcome to our Year 5 class page!
Here you will find important information about our class as well as being able to find out what we have been learning about. Keep checking back to see what we have been up to in Y5!
Our class teacher is Mrs Coughlin. She teaches Year 5 every morning, as well as Tuesday and Friday afternoons. He teachers English, Maths, Computing, Music, French, History, Geography and PE. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Garton-Pope and Mrs Green teach Science. On Monday and Thursday, Mrs Green and Upbeat Academy (sports provider) deliver a mixture of PE, RE, PSHE, Art & Design and Design & Technology. Please find a pdf of our Curriculum Topic Overview attached to this page.
Water Bottles
Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school every day. We encourage the class to make sure they are hydrating throughout the day to keep minds active for our Upper Key Stage 2 learning.
Our P.E days are Mondays (Fitness) and Tuesdays (Netball) this term. Children come into school in their PE kit for the whole day to save having to get changed in school.
Book Bags
Book bags should come into school every day. It is important that home reading books are read at home at least 5 times a week. In Year 5, the children use Seesaw to keep their reading records as this allows better communication between teacher and child. Parents should ensure their children are reading and giving them the opportunity to fill in their electronic reading record at least a couple of times per week.
Spellings will be given out every Monday, to be learned and tested on a Friday. Children complete a pre-test on a Monday, then learn the spellings they need personally to improve by Friday's re-test in dictated sentences. This means that all children are learning words appropriate for their ability level without putting a ceiling on their learning. Children bring their spellings home in their orange spelling book and the list is also uploaded to Class Dojo.
Every Friday the children will be given a piece of Maths or English homework. It is due back in school on the following Tuesday, when we will mark it together and address any misconceptions.
Every half term, there is also a special homework task where we choose how we wish to present our work.
Children also have access to TT Rockstars and should use this at home each week to further speed up their times tables knowledge.